Tuition-Free Programs

CMC is known nationwide for creating tuition-free music programs that address critical community needs. 


CMC’s Young Musicians Program, a partnership with the San Francisco Unified School District, brings the many benefits of music—artistic, educational, personal, and social—to middle and high school students. Since 1987, this tuition-free, award-winning program embraces diversity, and offers a comprehensive, culturally diverse curriculum. Group classes explore theory, musicianship, and composition. Ensemble classes may play Latin, classical, jazz and other music forms in orchestra, chamber groups, combos and bands.

Students who are nominated by their public school teacher audition each Spring for the following academic year. If accepted, students are eligible for a full scholarship that provides students with weekly free private instrumental lessons, theory, musicianship and ensemble classes for the academic year. The YMP program focuses on serving middle and high school students from low-income San Francisco households.

Students who are nominated by CMC private lesson teachers are eligible for a scholarship for group theory/musicianship and ensemble classes for the academic year.

The tuition-free Mission District Young Musicians Program (MDYMP) offers a comprehensive music education with a focus on Latin music. It primarily serves Latino youth from the Mission District who are nominated by their public school music teachers, CMC teachers, and community organizations. The curriculum focuses on music of Latin America and is taught by bilingual (Spanish/English) instructors. Group classes take place at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts each Saturday and private lessons can take place at either CMC branch. Students perform in December and June, and will have additional performance opportunities off-site. Classes do not meet during summer.

Ages: 12-18
Instruments: All and voice
Musical Styles: Latin (traditional and popular)
Prerequisites: Minimum two years playing an instrument or singing. Students nominated by their public school teacher must remain in their school music programs during the program to qualify. Students nominated by their CMC teacher must stay in their private lessons at CMC to qualify. Admission is based on both need and merit.
Class size: 25 students working in smaller groups
Location, Days and Times:
Private lessons: CMC’s Mission or Richmond District Branch
Group class: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, Saturdays from 10:00am-12:00pm
Instructors: Chantel Hernandez (Coordinator), Eva (“Nena”) AldazMiguel GoveaCharlie Gurke, Erick Peralta, Tregar Otton, Juan Ceballos
Tuition: No tuition or registration fee (scholarship program)

How to apply: Admission is by recommendation from the student’s school music teacher, CMC private lesson teacher, or community organization, plus an audition during the spring. For more information or to make a nomination, contact Program Director Sylvia Sherman at

Ages: 12-18
Instruments: All
Musical Styles: Classical, jazz, popular, music theory, composition, musicianship
Prerequisites: Minimum of two years playing an instrument. Must be nominated to audition. Students nominated by their public school teacher must remain in their school music programs during the program to qualify. Students nominated by their CMC teacher must stay in their private lessons at CMC to qualify. Admission is based on both student merit and instruments needed for ensembles. Classes do not meet during summer.
Class size: Small chamber ensembles to chamber orchestra, 4–15 students per ensemble
Locations, Days and Times:
Private lessons: Mission District Branch or Richmond District Branch scheduled with registrars
Group classes: CMC’s Mission District Branch, Saturdays
Middle School Level: 12:00–2:00pm
High School Level: 10:00am–12:00pm (with some classes starting at 9:00am)
Instructors: Leo BalukChristian BonvinScott FosterDavid Steinberg, Katrina Wreede (Coordinator), Ava Gehlen-Williams, Michael Long
Tuition: Full-tuition scholarship or CMC private lesson fees only.

How to Apply: Admission is by recommendation from the student’s school music teacher, community organization, or CMC private teacher plus audition during the spring or early fall. Early auditions are recommended. For more information or to make a nomination, contact Program Director Sylvia Sherman at


ACMP Circle logoThis program was made possible, in part, through the support of Associated Chamber Music Players (ACMP), an international service organization supporting chamber music for pleasure. Join ACMP – Membership is free!