A Day in the Life of Musical Discovery Camp

“Musical Discovery Camp is a fun way to explore the excitement of making music together. Campers develop concrete, hands-on musical skills playing instruments and singing. Kids learn about the world through music. They learn ear-training, musical appreciation, rhythm, voice, playing in a group—all in a fun social environment. No musical experience is required.” Hector Lugo, Camp Director, Musical Discovery Camp


Hector Lugo, the Director of Musical Discovery Camp shared the high points of this camp as a “A Day in the Life of Musical Discovery Camp.”

Musical Discovery Community Music Center thumb morning
Morning circle rhythm games

Morning circle
Every morning the whole camp gathers together in a morning circle. The camp instructors lead musical games with singing, rhythm, and movement. The instructors check-in with the campers letting them know about the day’s activities. The morning circle is a chance for everyone to get to know each other.






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Percussion session with Hector Lugo

Percussion and guitar/singing groups
The campers split into two groups. One group stays with Hector, where they learn percussion. Hector teaches Latin, Caribbean, African-American rhythms using drums, percussion instruments, and body percussion. He also talks about the musical history of the music.






Musical Discovery Community Music Center thumb guitar
Guitar and singing session with Arwen Lawrence and Jorge Liceaga

The guitar groups goes with the camp instructors Arwen Lawrence and Jorge Liceaga to learn guitar and singing. The campers get hands-on experience learning guitar, playing simple chords to blues, folk, and Latin songs. They also learn to sing the songs they are playing on guitar. As part of the guitar and singing component, the camp instructors teach the campers to write a blues song.






Afternoon circle and musical appreciation
After lunch, the whole camp comes together again for an afternoon circle. The camp instructors play recorded and live music for the campers. The campers listen to the types of music they are learning in their percussion and guitar/singing groups. The kids learn more about the history and the musical structure, which helps them to play and understand the music.


Musical Discovery Community Music Center thumb afternoon
Campers play as a group in the afternoon session

Playing together as a group
The rest of the camp day is dedicated to playing music together. The campers learn many skills during this time. They learn how to listen, while they are playing, in order to play all together. The campers follow a conductor, learning about tempo (fast or slow), musical dynamics (loud and soft), starting on the beat, and ending all together. This afternoon session prepares the campers for the showcase performance at the end of the week.


Register now to secure your spot in Musical Discovery Camp!





Musical Discovery Community Music Center hector
Hector Lugo, Camp Director
Musical Discovery Community Music Center Jorge
Jorge Liceaga, Camp Instructor
Musical Discovery Community Music Center Arwen
Arwen Lawrence, Camp Instructor