Practice Studio & Rehearsal Space Rentals

The Mission District Branch offers options to rent rooms on an hourly basis with great pianos and light sound reinforcement. 


How to Use Practice/Rehearsal Space at CMC:

  1. Please reserve your desired studio space through the platform below at least 24 hours in advance
  2. If your desired time is less than 24 hours, we ask that you speak with a CMC receptionist first to confirm availability, as this is subject to change during the day. 
  3. Once you have booked your desired rehearsal space, check in at the Reception Desks to access the space and any additional materials you’ve added to your reservation, and check out when you have finished.
  4. Please return gear and materials to their original places and be respectful of the next musicians in the space.

Happy music-making!

Practice Studio & Rehearsal Space Rentals

Reserve a Rehearsal Space:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I practice for free if I’m a student?

A:Currently registered CMC students will receive 10 free one-hour rentals per Quarter at the beginning of each Quarter, which can be used as desired throughout the quarter. This information will be shared by a CMC staff member. Once you have used your free quarterly rentals, you will need to pay for rehearsal rentals.


Q: If I’m a student, can I arrive early to warm up for my class or lesson?

A: Yes! You can reserve your time to warm up using the scheduling platform on CMC’s website.  We highly recommend booking this time at least 24 hours in advance. However, if you arrive 15 minutes early for your class or lesson without a reservation, a receptionist will reserve a studio (if available) and use one of your 10 free one-hour quarterly rentals.  


 Q: Are microphones available to rent to use in the studios?

A: Yes! There is an option to reserve microphones online during the payment process.


Q: Can I pay with cash?  

A: Unfortunately, we do not accept cash.  Please use your credit card to pay through the website.


Q: Do you allow walk-ins for practice space rentals?: 

A: Yes! If you have not booked a studio space 24 hours in advance, you may come to CMC and book a rehearsal space with the help of our receptionist team as space is available. 


Q: If I arrive late for my rental time, can I stay for a full hour?

A: Unfortunately no. No matter what time you arrive, the rental time will expire at the end of the hour in which it was scheduled.  


Q: Can I book for a time increment other than one hour? 

A: Unfortunately no. In order to best utilize our space, one-hour increments are all we can offer the community at this time. Feel free to use as much or as little of your time slot as you need.


Q: What if I need to cancel or reschedule my reservation?

A: Please be sure to cancel or reschedule through the rental platform 24 hours in advance. Cancellations made less that 24-hours in advance cannot be accepted. For questions or refund requests, please contact


Q: If I don’t use all my free hour rentals in a Quarter, can I use them in the next Quarter?

A: No, unused rentals will not roll over from Quarter-to-Quarter. 



Please be sure to carefully read and accept the Studio Rental Policies when making your reservation:

  • Renters must provide a valid Driver’s License, Identification, or credit card in exchange for a rehearsal space key and/or equipment, to be returned when checking out. 
  • Renters are responsible for costs to repair facilities or equipment damaged during their reserved time, and renters must report broken gear to a receptionist immediately upon discovery.
  • Volume must be kept under 80db, or low enough to not disturb other classes or renters. 
  • No food or drinks other than water are permitted in the rental spaces. 
  • Renters must be cleared out of their room when their rental time has expired. All rented items must be returned to the receptionist desk when the rental time has expired. 
  • Rental spaces are intended for practice a rehearsal and are not to be used for non-CMC music instruction. 


Community Music Center’s rental policies are subject to change.

Event & Space Rentals

Looking for a larger space to host your own event?  Explore our Concert Hall or Recital rental options!