Book a Registration Appointment

At CMC, we believe that the joy of making music belongs to everyone. Our quarterly system provides students with an opportunity to develop musical skills, to be part of a musical community in classes and ensembles, and to build rapport with our talented and dedicated faculty. Students register for an entire quarter of lessons and classes. Students unable to enroll at the beginning of the quarter can do so on a prorated basis.

At your appointment with our registration team, we’ll help make the best possible match between teacher and student, review schedules, find open lessons times, process enrollment information, apply for financial aid, and pay tuition. No appointment is necessary for group classes that have online registration available and no prerequisites. Check youth and adult group class pages to learn more. 

To apply for Sliding Scale Tuition assistance: Bring the Tuition Assistance Application Form / Solicitud de apoyo para la matrícula and accompanying documents to the CMC Registration Office at your branch of study after registering.


Spring Quarter enrollment is happening now!

Schedule a Registration Appointment below if you need guidance to narrow your search for a teacher and lesson schedule. 

Or, submit a Private Lesson Inquiry Form if you have a clear idea of your preferred teacher and lesson schedule.

Visit our Academic Calendar page for details about quarter dates.