Founders Circle: The Legacy Giving Program of Community Music Center

Community Music Center’s Founders Circle (formerly the Gertrude Field Society) is a group of individuals with the generosity and foresight to include CMC in their estate plans.
Whether you are a CMC alum, teacher, patron, or friend, your legacy gift can have a meaningful and lasting impact. Regardless of the amount, your gift is a statement of your belief that access to music education makes a lasting difference in people’s lives. When you demonstrate that you care about CMC’s future, others will follow your generous example.
Types of Legacy Gifts
Through a legacy gift, supporters can make a significant gift from their estate that may not have been possible during their lifetime. These gifts help ensure that CMC can continue its mission for years to come. Legacy gifts can include bequests of cash, insurance proceeds, retirement accounts, real or personal property or securities. Legacy gifts are indispensable to CMC. Over the years, these gifts have increased CMC’s endowment, provided scholarship support, and allowed for critical investments in program development and infrastructure.
Learn More
To learn about how you can make arrangements to support our mission and provide quality music education to all through your estate, we invite you to contact Development Manager Elenka Refsell at 415-647-6015 x 178 or If you have already made plans and you are not sure if CMC is aware of your intentions, please let us know. Thank you.
San Francisco Community Music Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; EIN #94-1156270. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.