At the end of June, CMC saw the retirement of two revered staff members, Linda Hitchcock and María Cora.
During Linda Hitchcock’s 24 years at CMC, she worked as the Children’s Chorus Manager, Development Assistant, Grant Writer, and most recently, as the Concert Hall Manager and Associate Registrar. Linda’s tenure at CMC saw three different Executive Directors and hundreds of great performances. Most memorable to her through the years, were the technology changes at CMC. She has fond memories of pre-digital days, when enrollment was done by paper and pencil in the concert hall of the Mission District Branch. For her, these registration events were a time of camaraderie when the whole staff pitched in to get people signed up for lessons. She also remembers the pay phone that was a feature of the waiting room.
In her retirement, Linda has plans to do volunteer work at the San Francisco Marin Food Bank, plus traveling and camping with her husband and dog.
María Cora was the Older Adult Choir Program Coordinator for the past four years. Maria is leaving the program with feelings of great pride for the accomplishments she has shepherded. Last summer, the choir program was nationally recognized with an award from the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) in the Social Engagement category. A significant highlight in the Older Adult Choir Program recently, has been the securing of multi-year funding from the City of San Francisco, which is a first for the program.
When María thinks back to her most cherished memories there are many. However, one memory that sticks out for her was the performance of two-hundred Older Adult Choir members at “Getting There Together: A Celebration of All Ages and Abilities” last fall. For her, this performance personified her time at CMC. María remembers the choirs that days as a focal point of the event, showing how aging can be graceful, vibrant, and creative. She felt proud to see the choir directors taking turns conducting and showcasing their unique styles. She was happy to work cooperatively with her CMC colleagues to help put on the city-wide event. As María said, “When we work together, we can’t be beat!”
In her retirement, María’s five-year plan is the launch of an intentional women’s community in Puerto Rico with friends, colleagues, and allies. She plans to live in Puerto Rico part time.
On June 29, Linda and María went out in style with a Zoom retirement party held in their honor with the doting praise of all who could attend.