Sabrina Raphael: Making a Difference Through Volunteering

Sabrina Raphael embodies the power of volunteering, especially in the community of music. Her heartfelt commitment to facilitating access to music education for all has driven her involvement with the Community Music Center (CMC). For Sabrina, music is a unifying force that brings people together, creating a community of like-minded individuals who share the same passion.

Sabrina’s experience as a volunteer at CMC has given her a deeper understanding of the importance of music education and its accessibility. Her involvement in significant events, such as the opening of CMC’s new building, has allowed her to experience firsthand the positive impact of its services on people’s lives. Sabrina’s energy and enthusiasm have helped increase auction revenue by 15%, making her a valuable asset to the CMC team.

“Working with Sabrina is a delight. She has brought such positive energy to our gala committees in recent years. Her creativity, joy, and commitment to service are contagious, and I’m excited to see how much more we can achieve together,” comments Elenka Refsell, Development Manager.

Sabrina is a dedicated community service figure in San Francisco, volunteering her time and energy to various organizations such as the Metropolitan Club, the Junior League of San Francisco, and the San Francisco Symphony. Her commitment to community service has been recognized and praised for its positive impact on the community.

Sabrina’s advice to those considering volunteering at CMC is to get involved, communicate openly with the CMC team, and find the best way to contribute. “Get involved where you can, your strengths are needed, and communicate openly with the CMC team to find the best way to contribute,” Sabrina offers valuable advice. The experience of volunteering has enriched her personal life and provided her with a sense of connection to the community and a deeper understanding of the power of music to unite people of all ages and backgrounds.

Through her dedication to volunteering, Sabrina has shown that learning and growth never end. Her next step is to enroll in a singing class, demonstrating the importance of personal growth in the journey of volunteering. If you’re interested in joining the volunteer force at CMC, don’t hesitate to contact Michelle Lee at Join Sabrina and the CMC team in making a difference in the community through the transformative power of volunteering.