Connecting Generations Through Music: A Look Inside the Songs and Stories Class

We have a new tuition-free class that is open to you! “Songs and Stories” is an intergenerational class of storytelling and singing, taught by acclaimed theater director, singer, and educator Beth Wilmurt. This performance-oriented class will explore storytelling through songs while learning the practical nuts and bolts of singing along the way.  Youth ages 8 – 12 and San Francisco residents ages 60 and older are invited to join this class! 

Wilmurt is passionate about the way this class brings together young people and older adults, creating a special space for mutual learning and understanding. “It’s so exciting to see both groups come together,” she says. “In today’s world, where people often live far from their grandparents or don’t interact with older generations as much, this program offers a rare chance to build those bridges.”

One of the joys Wilmurt has witnessed is how the youth and older adults bond through their shared musical experiences. “It’s wonderful to see the kids showing off a bit for the older adults, and the older folks just laughing and enjoying the moment. This playful interaction not only brings smiles but also deepens the connections between them,” Wilmurt explains. She observes that the younger participants are excited to perform for their older counterparts, creating a joyful and engaging atmosphere.

The class begins with classic folk, jazz, musical theater, and pop songs that convey clear stories. Participants will then explore pairing existing songs with classic stories. Finally, the focus will shift to personal storytelling, where each participant will find songs that connect to their own life experiences. The class will culminate i n a sharing event with invited friends and family, showcasing the songs and stories they’ve learned.

Wilmurt notes that the cultural diversity within the class adds another layer of richness. As students share their stories, their different backgrounds and experiences come to light, making the storytelling even more impactful. “The cultural exchange helps everyone appreciate the varied perspectives and histories each person brings,” she says. “It’s amazing how these stories naturally emerge and enrich our sessions.” She is especially mindful of the varied cultural and personal stories that participants bring, emphasizing the importance of creating a supportive environment for sharing.

In terms of musical development, the class focuses on essential skills like rhythm, melody, and harmony, all while keeping things fun and engaging. Wilmurt, with her background in theater, also incorporates movement and expression into the lessons. “We’re not just learning to sing; we’re connecting through music in a way that’s dynamic and expressive,” she says. “It’s about more than just the technical aspects; it’s about feeling and expressing the music.”

One memorable aspect of the program for Wilmurt is seeing how much it means to the older adults. “For many of them, this class is a highlight of their week,” she shares. “It gives them a sense of purpose and joy, and that’s incredibly rewarding to see.” Even though the program is still new, the positive feedback suggests it’s already making a meaningful difference. Wilmurt recalls how the engagement and enthusiasm of the participants, both young and old, has been inspiring and fulfilling.

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Wilmurt hopes that by the end of the program, students will recognize that music and art can bring people together, regardless of age or experience. “I want everyone to leave with a stronger sense of how collaborative creativity can create bonds and spark joy,” she says. She envisions the class fostering a deeper appreciation of how art can connect people across generations.

For anyone considering joining the program, Wilmurt warmly invites you to take part. “This class is open to anyone who’s interested,” she says. “Whether you’re young or old, a seasoned musician or just starting out, there’s a place for you here. The schedule is designed to be convenient, and best of all, the program is free.” She emphasizes that the class is inclusive and welcoming, aiming to make music accessible to everyone.

Overall, the “Songs and Stories” class is more than just a music lesson—it’s a vibrant community where different generations come together to share, learn, and create. Join the class here

CMC thanks Mission Neighborhood Centers and the Department of Disability Aging Services for their support of this and other tuition-free intergenerational music classes at CMC.

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